

A Presbytery that is integrated, united, caring and efficient,

  • using all its resources for the work of equipping and supporting congregations
  • so that they become strong, vibrant, loving, growing congregations
  • that are outward looking and resource sharing.


Tshwane Presbytery is a family of Presbyterian Congregations striving to honour God and serve His Kingdom by:

  • caring for our congregations (especially by providing good ministry to them)
  • inspiring members through fellowship and worship (unity and integration)
  • training people to better serve the Gospel in Presbytery and Congregations
  • sharing resources to strengthen weak congregations and establish new work
  • facilitating the work of General Assembly through careful delegation to committees
  • providing a service through good communication and record-keeping
  • celebrate and affirm our diversity through activities that stretch us toward being more integrated.
  • affirming integrity and accountability of officers, conveners, committees, commissioners and congregations.


  1. Capacity Building of Treasurers, Clerks, and Commissioners
  2. Implement and encourage Presbytery Committees proposed by the Planning Meeting instead of single conveners
  3. Get goals and priorities from each Committee.
  4. Increased levels of fellowship and activities that celebrate our diversity. e.g.
    • Meal together is important,
    • get MCG to conduct one of our devotions,
    • rotation of meeting venues is valuable,
    • name-tags at meetings would be nice.)
  5. Fill vacancies / Join congregations / Joint ministries (sensitively exploring shared and joint ministries)
  6. Improved communication, records, administration, data-base (already happening)
  7. Improve attendance at all Presbytery events

Part of the Uniting Presbyterian Church